Delivering Sustainable Manufacturing
Denison understands automation and information and the importance of focusing on the fundamentals to deliver to our customer’s ESG goals. We focus on critical drivers of sustainable production such as water, air, gas, power/energy, and steam. Why? Because when these raw materials are used inefficiently, left unmanaged, or degrade in quality, the ripple effect results in unsustainable outcomes. We know this – and so do your customers who have achieved measured results by engaging Denison. Our experts have assisted operators achieve real results - reducing downtime over 500%, achieving ROIs of over 800%, and achieving Scope 3 outcomes impacting our world.
To deliver to our vision, Denison’s team of OT and IT experts designed and delivered a comprehensive solution suite catered to the needs of all manufacturing regardless of size and where you are on your digital journey connecting the plant floor to the information cloud.
Our solutions connect the automation and information landscapes – often seemingly complex environments spanning protocols, processes and cultures. We deliver scalable, open-architecture, pay-as you grow engineered solutions that are used on a single production line, plant or global enterprise. These solutions provide operators – both small and global – the opportunity to deploy and economically justify projects that often fund subsequent investments using our same intelligent architecture – delivering further outcomes.
A total quality approach – from device to data to done.
Technical Assessments
Our team of experienced power, energy and sustainability professionals conduct and deliver basic and comprehensive assessments – conducting plant walk-throughs, reviewing core documents, speaking with plant and commercial professionals, coordinating with key suppliers, and taking measurements ourselves, in order to understand the current environment. From basic to advanced power quality assessments focused on electrical issues, to more comprehensive ASHRE Level 1, 2 and 3 Sustainability assessments, our team works with yours to identify problem areas, set priorities for improvement, and define an engineered and financially justified path forward approach.

Pre-Engineered Gateways
Denison’s Basic and Advanced pre-engineered gateways offer operators with cost-effective, industrial-grade systems for rapid order and installation. Today’s gateways are designed to monitor power and energy and can be adapted with incremental cost to monitor water, air, gas, and steam as well. Gateways provide real-time, secure collection and transmission of data measured in milli and microseconds with the ability to transmit critical data securely for processing and action. One platform with options to address your unique plant environment – supporting multiple sustainable outcomes.
Intelligent Software - Analytics
Denison’s PowerGuard Analytics is an industrial grade, standards-based SCADA application for power quality and energy management monitoring. With the ability to support an unlimited number of IO points and an unlimited number of locations, our application offers operators a scalable, pay as you grow and cost-effective solution supporting a line, plant, or global enterprise. Almost all standard-industrial protocols are supported, allowing our SCADA application to be used flexibly with almost all monitoring hardware providers today.
Denison’s PowerGuard dashboards support both power quality and energy management today allowing operators to capture both power quality events in real-time often the cause of asset failure and costly unplanned downtime. Additionally, key performance indicators such as total consumption, cost, demand, and load profiles can be monitored and calculated. Electricity consumption and cost can be localized and allocated to the individual asset, plant, or department. Our team can then assist operators find ways to reduce usage and cost. This same platform is designed to support capture and visualization of water, air, gas and steam inputs allowing the same analytics platform to be used to deliver against ESG goals.
Our software team assist from initial install, through customization and full integration into existing and future intelligent software platforms.

Denison’s Reports are designed to summarize crucial events to establish priorities and achievement of sustainable outcomes. Our Snapshot report is designed to address the needs of operators who suspect poor power quality and need a quick, low-cost diagnostics of their condition.
Based on our analysis and technical and commercial review, our Technical Assessment Reports provide operators with engineered and financially backed recommendations to improve power quality, energy management, and other sustainability-driven outcomes such as reduction in CO2 emissions, opportunities for waste heat recovery, reductions in water use, and overall reductions in waste. Our reports provide for Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 outcomes, supported by ASHRAE and ISSP certified professionals.
Denison’s PowerGuard licensed software users are provided Daily Event Reports, Monthly Reports, or Customized Reports based on often unique requirements. Monitoring service subscribers receive the same set of report options, with the added benefit of having our team of expert power, process and sustainability experts analyze and interpret the data – offering actionable recommendations with immediate results.
Often projects are multi-phase and complex, requiring a deeper analysis. Customized Engineering Reports and Strategic Engagements are delivered based on each engagement. Operators and partners often leverage our tenured experts spanning OT and IT domains to assist them in a variety of ways spanning strategy to product integration and execution to designing and delivering a digital automation and industrial sustainability strategy.
Professional Services
Denison’s technical and commercial team consists of both OT and IT experts with decades of experience in both domains. Our engineering experts consist of R&D, power, SCADA software, network, cloud and security. Our commercial team has expertise in project management, product development and management, and strategy working for and with some of the world’s largest firms. Our track record from idea to delivered solution supports customer engagements from program definition, establishment of priorities to measurement and assurance of delivered outcomes.